Why Us

Why choose scgb as a recruitment Agency?

We consciously decided to focus on combining our expertise and learnings to solve a problem in a space that matters to us, ‘The Employment Eco-system’. As we introspected why this was important to us and after having connected with thousands of job seekers of different demographics and several clients, we concluded that employment is the single most common activity which is pursued for the longest time in a company’s lifecycle and solving problems in this space would be a win-win to the stakeholders who are involved directly and will have cascading effect on people depending on them.

How are we different?

At SCGB our team consists of a group of experienced professionals who provides services at an economical rate like none of our other competitors. The below points explains that our USP.

      1. End to End Support

We at SCGB bridge the gap between both the clients and the candidates. Employers and job seekers can communicate with us, as we understand the importance of getting the right quality candidates and finding the best environment to work for our clients and candidates respectively.

      2. Faster Hiring Process

“Now say bye to irrelevant candidates, you’re likely to not use them again.”

SCGB Solutions helps you ease your recruitment problems, whether you need to mass hire or have an urgent position to fill or be it managed staffing, we will work to your requirements. You won’t need to attract and shortlist candidates, we will handle the whole process which saves you a lot of hassle. At SCGB, we already have a vast database of talent in the field of Legal, Sales & Marketing, Human Resource and Finance, you will gain access to this network.

We will provide you with only the best CVs for the available job profiles.

This will in return help your company achieve its target in the most effective and efficient way.

      3. Higher Quality Candidates

Finding quality candidates who meet your requirements are challenging. You can raise the caliber of the prospects by utilizing our professional experience. You will have access to vetted applicants thanks to the enormous talent pool.

      4. Specialist Knowledge

SCGB can tell you what the job market currently looks like. We also let you know how to best achieve your recruitment needs. With our extremely qualified professionals we can offer you valuable insights to your respective job market, which In-house recruiters may not be able to give professional advice and guidance to hire better candidates.

      5. Cultural Fit

At SCGB we “play by our client’s books”, we strongly believe in understanding our client’s culture of working, as this helps us provide tailored services for our clients, which works for them on a long run. This also helps us find candidates that fit in perfectly to the client’s organizational culture. We achieve this by considering our clients values as one of our own, we conduct our pre-assessment/screening in such a way that we only consider applicants that can be the perfect cultural fit for our clients.

      6. Quality over Quantity

Your first thought about quality of hire might be that it is simply the benefit that each individual employee brings to the organization and to an extent you would be right.

Quality of hire does focus on individual hires, at SCGB we believe it’s a multistep process as mentioned below:

  • Quality of hire: Measures performance compared to pre-hire expectations.
  • Impact of hire: Measures a new hire’s contributions during a defined period.
  • Retention rate: Percent of workforce retained for a defined period.
  • Turnover rate: Number of separations ratioed against workforce.
  • Pre-hire expectations: The minimum acceptable performance criteria.
  • Performance: Quantitative or qualitative measured results.

      7. Pocket Friendly

At SCGB we provide our professional services at a cost that will be competitive in the market, we promise to provide quality services for our clients at half the rate of actually hiring an In-house team, who even might not necessarily have the same level of expertise in the field of staffing and recruitment as us.

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