Personal InformationFull Name *Email Address *Phone *LocationProfessional InformationLinkedIn Profile (if applicable)Portfolio URL *Highest Level of EducationHighest Level of EducationBachelor's DegreeMaster's DegreeOtherYears of Experience in Design *Years of Experience in Design0-23-56-89+Skills & ExpertisePlease indicate your proficiency in the following design tools (Check all that apply): *Adobe IllustratorAdobe PhotoshopAdobe InDesignFigmaSketchOther (Please specify)Do you have experience in branding, UI/UX, or visual storytelling?Work PreferencesAre you willing to work in-office at Jayanagar 7th Block, Bangalore?YesNoWhat motivates you to apply for the Design Consultant position at SCGB?What is your availability to start this role?What is your availability to start this role?Immediately1-2 Weeks1 MonthOtherPlease specify *Additional InformationAttach Resume (PDF/Word): *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileWhy are you interested in joining SCGB's Co-Consulting Model?Any other details you’d like to share (e.g., relevant projects, experience, why you think you’re a good fit)?Submit